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RAUCH is a non-commercial project that has been focusing on exhibitions in the fields of design, art and pop culture since 2020. The project aims to provide a presentation platform for young international artists through exhibitions and artistic events, to enable sustainable connections and to promote encounters and exchanges. The project space is located in Krefeld, Germany.

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The project includes the Pool Board Series, an alternative exhibition format for graphic design and media art that

brings digital content into public spaces. Various designs by young artists are displayed on a six meter wide and four meter high billboard. The project aims to provide an example of how vacant spaces in the public realm can be utilized. The artworks are changed 4-6 times per year.

The project is working to reclaim unused public spaces, which often go unnoticed, through artistic interventions.

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Rauch Offspace is located in a historic weaver's house. The Pool Board Series is just a few meters away from the exhibition space. This proximity allows us to extend our exhibitions with the additional display area provided by the billboard.


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